Notice of next AGM

The following has been sent out today to all members:


Dear Member,

I hereby give notice of our next AGM to be held on Friday 13th September 2013 at the Ernest Boyfield Pavilion, Thurston Drive Kettering, at 7.30 p.m. for 7.45 p.m.

For your information here is the current Committee:

Post                                     Existing Postholder                 Postholder Intention
Chairperson                             P. Bailey                                 Re-Election
Vice Chairperson                    A. Henley                                Re-Election
Hon. Secretary                         P. Young                                 Resigning
Hon. Treasurer                A. Sumnall (R Gilbert cover)       Resigning
Membership & Subs.            A. Clawson                              Resigning
Club Captain                          M. Winstone
Child Protection Officer     S. Bailey/M.Peleszok                 Re-Election
Hon. Auditor                            G. Dewick                                Re-Election
Development Officer              A. Moxey
Coaching Co-Coordinator    A. Marlow
Fixture Secretary                     A. Henley                                 Re-Election
Press Officer                               B. Fox                                   Re-Election
Athletes Representative      B. Fox & T. Carvell                   Re-Election
Team Manager – Men            A. Mclintock
Team Manager – Women     A. Mclintock
Team Manager - Juniors        A. Marlow
Team Managers - Veteran   A. Marlow / P. Marlow
Life President                               T. Barton
The other Committee Members at Present are as follows:
R. Caplis M. Buxton M. Freeman

As you can see from the above there are a number of places available and we now need new members to help keep moving our club forward. I would urge you to consider helping your club by filling one of these roles.

All proposals and nominations should be directed to the undersigned by the 6th September 2013. Nomination forms are available in the clubhouse. All nominations and proposals on the night of the AGM will be at the discretion of the Chair.

AGM voting is as follows: the entitlement to vote is by a fully paid up member 15 years of age on the day and over, one parent/guardian per member under the age of 15 years.

Bill Bailey
7th August 2013